Rev Your Engines for the Lake of the Ozarks Bikefest

The weather is beautiful, the best Cajun food at the Lake of the Ozarks is cooking, and the biggest bike rally at the Lake of the Ozarks is THIS WEEK! There are some great events planned for this event, and we don't want you to miss a thing - plus, Shady Gators is one of the Passport stops and we want to see YOU. Here's a brief schedule of the weekend before you hop on the hog and join us at the best Lakefront restauarant at the Lake of the Ozarks.

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About the Lake of the Ozarks Bikefest

Bike enthusiests comes from around the country every year to participate i this fantastic event. It's now been going on for 10 years, so this is not the year to miss it. This area offers some of the Nation’s most scenic rides around the Lake of the Ozarks and through the rolling Ozark hills with spectacular views. In addition to over one-hundred biker-friendly bars, restaurants, hotels and campgrounds.

There will be vendor villages, concerts, burn out pits, a riding skills competition course, bike giveaways, sport bike stunt rides, and MUCH more. Not to mention the Passport Ride - which we happen to be apart of!

The Passport Ride

The Passport Ride is a great opportinuty to get out on your bike and explore the Lake of the Ozarks. Go pick up your Passport from the Harley Davidson store in Osage Beach and then try to hit up as many of the locations as you can. You'll get stamps at each stop to help complete your book. Of course, when you stop at Shady Gators, you can just get a Passport, you're going to want to also get some of our fantastic drinks, Gator Bites and listen to our live music - but that's the fun of the Passport Ride.

Shady Gators and The Lake of the Ozarks Bikefest

Whether you're doing the Passport Ride or not, Shady Gators is the perfect place to ride your bike into and hang out for the weekend. You can also check out our new renovations to Lazy Gators with a new Baja Beach Club Cantina & Tequila Bar. Great events only get better when you come out to Shady Gators for an amazing weekend with friends, food, and LOTS of bikes. You can always expect an exciting time at the Party Capitol at the Lake of the Ozarks.

For everything going on at Shady Gators this season...

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Lake of the Ozarks BEST BAR
Shady Gators & Lazy Gators

 at 11 AM



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